Through UNSC Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace, and Security, introduced by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2015, and adopted unanimously, the UN Security Council encouraged the empowerment of youth as strategic assets to shape the future of societies through education and training, in decision making at the local, national, regional and international levels, and set up a framework that ensures their meaningful participation as agents of peace, innovation and stability, and drivers of economic growth.

Rondine Cittadella della Pace is committed to reducing global armed conflicts through creative learning methods for
conflict transformation. For 20 years, Rondine has been training young people coming from countries in armed conflict or post-conflict situations, from Africa to the Middle East, the Balkans and the Caucasus.

Last December, seventy years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and a century after the end of the First World War, young students of Rondine launched an Appeal to the world Leaders, calling them to dedicate a symbolic sum drown from their defense budget to the training of young peace leaders, and to include Human Rights and Peace studies within their national curricula.

One year after the official launch of the “Leaders for Peace” global campaign, Rondine and the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN would like to present the first outline of the campaign’s main output: Rondine’s Global Leaders School. In line with Target 4.7 of SDG 4, and building on Rondine’s experience in educating young generations on conflict resolution, second-track diplomacy, and the promotion of Peace and Human Rights, the School will be a high-level training and specialization experience for students and young professionals coming from all over the world, with a strong will to enhance their competencies and skills in one of the three proposed paths: politics, entrepreneurship, education.

During the event, Rondine students and alumni will present their experience, together with the representatives of supporting Countries, and they will briefly introduce the most innovative features of the new Global Leaders School, while encouraging other Countries to join the “Leaders for Peace” appeal.

The event will be broadcast live on UN web tv.